Long division

long-division-touchEvery month DiScoro writes about resources that can be used in schools and about inspirational issues. See Services in the Menu for workshops, training etc.

Long Divison Touch is a well programmed App. This is really an App that makes use of touch technology. The instruction for different tasks is very clear, for example division with remainder, division with decimal, division with decimal in divisor etc.

A discussion that is carefully being started:
Should we spend time on teaching the long division in school?
Who does need this procedure in the 21st Century? Do you as an adult ever use the long division procedure anywhere else than in school? Are there any skills in learning the procedure that are important later?

Division as a numeracy skill remains important, and definitely the ability to estimate whether the outcome to for example 125 : 4,5 = … is a little less than 3, than 30, or  than 300.

A step forward could be to do the mathematical thinking, such as estimation, in class, and to use the App to challenge high-performers. It could also be a tool in Flipping-the-classroom.

Note: The format in which the long division is presented does match the way it is taught in schools in some countries, but in many countries the format used is different. It would be difficult to cater for all the different formats that are being used. The Germany, France, Norway all use a different formats. For students who already master the long dvision procedure it will be rather easy to figure out how this formats works.
Note: The App uses decimal comma, which may be an obstacle for countries where people work with decimal point.
Note: Students do not train multiplication and subtraction skills required in the ordinary long division.
 Purchase  Free intro/preview, Tasks for  0,99 
 Hardware  iPhone, iPad, tablet
 Requirements  iOS, Android

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